Ilo Ilo congregations re-opened and visit Tabu Church/Negros Occidental
After many years of stagnation our congregations in Ilo Ilo are blooming again. The District Apostle visited Panay Island for a sub district service on Saturday, May 5 and 98 souls came together. The untiring efforts of the past 2 years by Pr. Ariola who regularly comes from Bacolod the scattered members were gathered again and today divine services are conducted at 5 locations. “We are thankful for this development which proves that it is worthwhile to never give up” the District Apostle said. He asked Pr. Ariola to transfer his livelihood to Ilo Ilo to better serve these missions. Then, the District Apostle accompanied by Ap. Diagbel and DEl. Trius from Sumatra/ Indonesia proceeded to Tabu Church in Negros Occidental where on Sunday a congregation of over 400 gathered. The Youth enjoyed the afternoon fellowship program and made everybody happy with their lively presentations.