AROMA BEACH, Negros Oriental
Another weekend for the youth. Over 500 brothers and Sisters gathered at Aroma Beach, near Dumaguete to have fellowship, and competing in various sports and ball games. The youth from many sub-districts presented their skills in art and music and as it is when the youth gathers, fun was always present. In some bible translations Proverb 3 is titled with “guidance for the young” Already King Solomon must have had thoughts about the direction of the youth. That has not changed until today when we realize as well that the carriers of the future are among the young generation. The District Apostle thus served with the word from exactly that chapter of “guidance” in Proverb 3:5+6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths” When we think of our eternal future we can hardly trust our own understanding. It is too limited. “….direct your paths” Apostle Paul was also concerned and said: …may the Lord direct your heart into the love of God and into the patience of Christ” 2 Thessalonians 3:5. Our resolution is today, the Lord shall direct our path and we shall reach God’s love which is manifested in His Grace and the Lord Jesus. It needs patience but Christ’s work will be accomplished. To permit to be directed means to follow and following is only possible when we trust.