Thanksgiving Celebrations
The Philippines joined NACSEAsia and many other District Apostle Areas world-wide and celebrated this year’s “Thanksgiving” on Sunday 6th October. Nationwide the altars were decorated with fresh produce from the field and the farms. The anniversary motto “one faith – one goal” with focus on 150 years Church History dominated this year’s festivity. At Makati Church a festive concert of Orchestra and Choir on Saturday night attracted many and prepared for the Sunday Service conducted by the District Apostle and based on Psalm 104:24 “Oh Lord, how manifold are Your works! In wisdom You have made them all. The earth is full of Your possessions” The sermon referred to the natural, material creation and the spiritual creation. For both we owe God thanks. He made it out of His omnipotence and nobody had to tell Him or advice Him how. Harvest is not just the result for which we are thankful, it is not the end because it contains seed, the life for the future in it. “Sowing even when weeping will bring the sheaves in, with rejoicing” (Psalm 126:6) 250 from the Metro Manila area attended. The altar featured a sea of rice and the figure 150 made of various fruit. The District Apostle remembered also all those who have not much to celebrate, who are sad and heavy laden. Thankfulness for being a child of God brings also joy and God’s Grace is for all who accept it. The widow who Jesus observed gave her life, her heart “She has done more than all” (Luke 21:1-4)