Retirement in Biliran
In a divine service on Sunday 9th February 2015 District Evangelist Rogelio Acilo went into retirement. Born on 17th August 1948 he joined the New Apostolic Church in 1985. Ever since 1990 he serves in the ministry. First as Priest and then 1993 as Evangelist. In 1994 he was ordained as Shepherd and finally called into the District Evangelist ministry in 1996. He looks back to just a few months short of 25 years of service. We are thankful for his faithful and loving service and wish him and his wife a blessed retirement with good health and many experiences of joy and the love of Christ.
The District Apostle served with a reading from Matthew 5:48 “you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect” This is not a perfection according to human standards or
measurable after earthly accomplishments. Much more our perfection must be in the fulfilling what God expects from us. Perfect in our firm resolve to become like Jesus. Perfect to grow in understanding and love and perfect in oneness. Not oneness in opinion and lifestyle, but oneness in Christ.