Apostles Meeting in Makati
The Apostles from the Philippines and Indonesia met again at Makati Church from 27th to 30th August for deliberations and theology studies.
“Our sending, our oneness” was the guiding theme during these days of blessed fellowship. “We need each other” and unity and oneness serves exactly that purpose. We need each other to accomplish what the Lord has sent us for. To bring together, to bring up and fashion the bridal congregation. The spiritual reflections elaborated on the request of Paul that as he imitates Christ we shall imitate him,
from (1st Corinthians 11:1)
How to deal with changes, as well as Coaching and Mentoring were other subjects on the agenda. All joined in the Metro Manila District Service on Sunday Morning based on John 17:20-21. One will, one sharing, one proclaiming and serving each other.