How the Holy Spirit guides us

On Monday, 26th of August 2024

District Apostle Edy Isnugroho, accompanied by Apostle Samuel Tansahtikno and Bishop Armando Cao, embarked on a meaningful visit to the Luzon region, Apostle Samuel Tansahtikno’s working area, from Friday, August 16th, to Sunday, August 25th, 2024. His journey began on Mindoro Island, where he visited the congregations in Rizal and Santa Maria. Throughout the week, he ventured into northern Luzon, conduct divine services in the congregations of Paoay in North Ilocos, Mudiit in Abra, Dalipaoen in La Union, Nama in Pangasinan North, and Tanza in Cavite. These visits marked his first time ministering to these communities.

The congregations in this region are modest, with simple church buildings, and in some cases, none at all. In one congregation, divine services are held outdoors, beneath the shelter of a tree. Despite the humble settings, District Apostle Isnugroho was met with great joy and deep faith, making the experience truly uplifting. His visit brought spiritual nourishment and encouragement to these small yet resilient congregations.

On Sunday, 25th August 2024 he conducted a district service in Makati. The Bible Text was out of Exodus 13:21

“And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so as to go by day and night.”

In the Old Testament the cloud and fire symbolize God’s presence. God revealed Himself to Moses in a burning bush, asking him to lead His people out of Egypt. He then guided Israel using a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night:

  • The pillar showed the people the way out of Egypt, day and night;
  • The cloud stood between the Egyptians and the people of Israel, protecting them;
  • God spoke to His people at Mount Sinai through the cloud and fire (Ex 19:16-18);
  • Later, at God’s command, Moses set about erecting a tabernacle, a tent that was to serve as a mobile place of worship. After he finished the work, the cloud covered the tabernacle and filled it (Ex 40:34-38). Thereafter, the pillar of cloud and fire remained constantly above the tabernacle, to show the people that the Lord was present in their midst;
  • As long as the cloud remained in place, the people encamped. This could last a day, a month or a year. As soon as it was taken up from above the tabernacle, the Israelites would journey (Num 9:15-23). It was by following the Lord’sinstructions that they arrived in the Promised Land.

The symbol of the cloud and fire is also found in the New Testament.

When Jesus was glorified on the mount of transfiguration, God appeared in the cloud and said to the disciples, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Hear Him!” (Mt 17:5). God was now present on earth in the person of Jesus Christ. After His resurrection, Jesus ascended into heaven and joined His Father by being taken up in acloud.

At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples in the form of tongues of fire. It is now through the Holy Spirit that God’s presence can be experienced.

What can we learn from these stories?

Today, God accompanies and guides His people towards their goal. He no longer does this using a pillar of cloud and fire, but through the activity of the Holy Spirit. We cannot see God, but through the Spirit, we can hear His word and experience His presence in the divine service. Through Holy Sealing, the Holy Spirit takes up permanent residence within us.

The Holy Spirit guides us: He shows us the way, but He does not restrain us. He does not make decisions for us. It is up to us to make decision or to choose. Let us imitate the Lord Jesus: when it came to making His decisions, He consulted His Father in prayer. According to the motto of this year, prayer works! The Holy Spirit does not tell us what to do. But He tells us what we should consider when making our choice.

Particularly, the Spirit reminds us of Christ’s teaching:

  • renounce evil and sin;
  • follow God’s law, to love God and to love neighbour;
  • give priority to eternal life;
  •  follow the Apostles and take part in the celebration of Holy Communio
  • become like Christ.

This advice is valid “day and night,” in good and bad times. If we let ourselves to be guided by the Holy Spirit, we can be sure that our decision will not endanger our salvation.

God does not always respond immediately to our requests. Like the people of Israel, we sometimes have to wait “a day, a month or a year.” But we can trust that God will not leave us. Sometimes the Holy Spirit asks us to help or serve, let us not postpone, but let us do it right away!

As God did for Israel, He protects those who follow His instructions. Christ promised that no one can snatch those out of His hands, as long as we make decision and follow Him. He will lead us to our heavenly homeland and grant us eternal life (Jn 10:27-29).

Retirement in Makati

In the divine service District Apostle placed Evangelist David Tuazon into well-deservedretirement. The Evangelist served diligently as minister for 22 years in Makati, Las Pinas and other congregations in Metro Manila. District Apostle thanked the Evangelist wholeheartedly for his many years of blessed work, for his loving and faithful service of the Lord. He also thanked the wife and the family of the Evangelist for their support. And he wished the Evangelist a retirement filled with joy and peace.

After the divine service a musical program was held. The Children’s and Mixed Choir accompanied by String Instruments and Keyboard took turns presenting six beautiful renditions to the praise, honor and glory of God, and to thank the Evangelist who has just retired. The program adds to the great joy experienced in the divine service.