Apostle Beli-ot visits Jimalalud District
Apostle Joe An Beli-Ot visits our brothers and sisters in Tayasan and Jimalalud district. The journey starts on Saturday, April 9, 2022 to Tayasan district together with Priest Cris Ronquillo for church inspection damage by typhoon Odette in Bulwang, Napiangan, Papa Church which totally damage.
Then on Sunday morning the Apostle together with Priest Cris Ronquillo, District Evangelist Jucito Sagaysay and Evangelist Callura continue their journey to conduct Palm Sunday Divine Service in Cambutag, Jimalalud District. It was 2 hours by motorbike, followed by walking and climbing the mountaneous landscape and crossing the river for 3 hours to reach the congregation from the Municipality of Jimalalud.
Travel was very challenging because its raining due to Low Pressure Area (LPA), but they were happy to reach the congregation to experience the fellowship with brothers and sisters there. The Apostle based his sermon with a passage from John 12:23: “But Jesus answered them, saying, “The hour has come that the Son of Man should be glorified.” Total 40 souls in attendance, with 3 souls received Holy Baptism and 7 souls were sealed, followed by ordination of 3 Deacons during the Divine Service.