Apostolic Understanding Of Passion Of Christ
Every year comes Christmas and then Holy Week, the celebrations of the most significant historical events ever. “Risen Christ, Our Hope” shall be so prominent and aware in our mind and heart every day, yet Easter is the day when we shall take time to reflect on the history and the meaning for the future. “Risen Christ, Faith’s reality”
Throughout the centuries there were again and again those who doubted in the resurrection. As early as the time of Apostle Paul’s time, there were doubts coming up not to speak of the ones in Jerusalem who spread the rumor that the body of Christ was stolen simply to deny the happening of Christ’s resurrection.
Today we come across much ignorance or many who see in Jesus only a healer. Many expect miracles to prove faith, but let us remind ourselves: Faith in Christ’s resurrection cannot be separated from Christian teaching, and the miracle of Christ’s resurrection after his death on the cross cannot be outdone now by miraculous happenings or anything for our personal benefit. “…Christ is risen from the dead and has become the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep.” (1. Corinthians 15:20)
Also this Easter, we want to renew our hope for our resurrection. We shall also be first-fruit in the first resurrection. We pray to become “blessed and holy” to have part in it (Revelation 20:6)
This resurrection shall be our short term goal of faith, and we hope to be saved from all evil, become Christ like to see a perfect church and to be Priests of God and Christ.
The question might come up how can we accomplish this? The answer: Having the live of Christ in us.
“The Lord Jesus on the same night in which He was betrayed took bread; and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said: Take, eat; this is my body which is broken for you; do this in remembrance of Me” (part of 1. Corinthians 11:23, 24)
Remembering Christ, His death and resurrection in partaking of Holy Communion allows us to experience His love and to be encouraged. We are strengthened and motivated then again to serve, and are prompted to search the unity and focus on the essential. This is the perfect JOY IN CHRIST.