Christmas in Metro Manila
Christmas is about gifts. The house of God provides many gifts. The youth went on 20th December to Antipolo for the Children’s day. The joy was great. Our congregation
there does not belong to the affluent part of Metro Manila. The Youth has their own way of reporting events. See yourselves at youth.ph
Gifts were offered in blessings. Golden wedding celebrated Rony and Sony on Christmas Day. A couple never tired to serve. Their children very active in the congregation. Brother Sylvestre brought his silver bride to the Altar, another blessing, another gift of joy, celebrated in one family, yet shared with the whole congregation. Sister Rosabelle’s baby was sealed, unfortunately she is moving away to join her husband. Let us keep in touch.
Yes then the Youth again, presented a musical program on Christmas day. And, and…. So much was experienced.Exchanging gifts is about exchanging joy. Jesus Christ was to bring joy to world. The tradition of sending Christmas Cards is maybe a little bit losing its momentum in these modern days of electronic communication. Yet many beautiful, sometimes hand made pieces of art were seen also this year and being collected and kept way beyond Christmas.
Yes then there is the extraordinary, the unusual, the exchange of joy over the church boundaries. The Apostles of the Holy Rosary Sisters, a convent in Merville/Paranaque visited the home of the District Apostle for Caroling. When saying good bye the leader of the group, a nun stated with a smile we have different missions and the District Apostle replied “…but the same goal”. “Yes our God” she replied. Truly the Church of Christ has wide dimensions.
And now we prepare for year end, to worship by professing, humbling ourselves, giving thanks to God and our neighbor. Trusting in Him who never let us down and never will.