Community 04/2020: God’s Faithfulness Leads Us Into Fellowship
We live through highs and lows, sometimes filled with fear, and then filled with joy again. Our comfort is that God is faithful! He does what He says He will do. As human beings, we may not always notice this, especially since we only know a tiny part of the divine plan that He has in store for us.
God calls us into eternal fellowship with Jesus Christ, our Lord. This is something Jesus Himself has confirmed: He wants us to be where He is. God calls us into the fellowship of the believers, that is, into the church to pray together, celebrate together, and work together. God ultimately also calls us into the fellowship of Holy Communion to gives us strength to fight as He did.
To read the newest edition of community please click this link community 04/2020
community is published once each quarter, consists of 32 pages, and boasts a great deal of content, including core thoughts from divine services by the Chief Apostle. It also reports on how our members live in congregations around the world, features information on the activities of the Church’s relief organisations, explains doctrinal aspects, and carries Bible stories for children.