District Rectors Meeting and Youth Convention in Tagum/Davao
Apostle Mercurio Nuyad, who is in his last year of active ministry before retirement invited all his District Rectors to a special meeting with the District Apostle. Spiritual reflection on Proverbs 3:27 “do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hand to do so” as well as discussion on ‘Divine Vocation’ and ‘ our pastoral task in social problems’ marked the whole day gathering.
The Youth enjoyed a day of activities and welcomed the Brothers for an evening program titled ‘night with the DA”
The Sunday Sermon was on the word from Psalm 145:19+20
“He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him. He also will hear their cry ad save them”.
‘God-fear means to love and respect God. Only possible being honest to Him. We often talk about many of our problems but forget to address it in our prayers. Likewise do we hide our doubts and weaknesses from Him? There is no God-fear if we pray for help and then go and do what contradicts the Lord.’ The District Apostle elaborated.
An analysis for NACSEARelief in the area of Compostela valley was presented by DEv. Freddie Nuyad. The re-building of 10 classrooms in four schools with a project budget of PHP 2.2 Million makes good progress.