Do Whatever He Tells You
Our earthly life is not always easy. We all have our difficulties and problems so that it is not possible to sing a cheerful alleluia every day. Yet God wants to give us deep and lasting joy in every divine service.
How does He do that? Does He take away all our problems, sort everything out in the best possible way, and then everything is fine again?
The first recorded miracle that Jesus performed happened at a wedding in Cana. Suddenly there was a problem: the host had run out of wine, which would surely have dampened the joy of the guests. They turned to Jesus, and what did He do? He Himself did nothing at first. All He did was tell them what to do.
- They were to fetch jars and fill them with water. Because the servants did what He told them, they experienced the miracle: the water turned into fantastic wine, and everyone was able to enjoy it.
God will not always solve our earthly problems immediately and as concretely as Jesus did at the wedding in Cana. However, in the divine services He gives us His word, He talks to us, and tells us: “Do this!” If we put this word into action, then we will experience God and have a joyful soul.
That is the blessing the Lord wants to give us in every divine service.
Food for thought from a divine service by the Chief Apostle