Festivities at Makati Church
It was a weekend of celebration at Makati Church. The Makati choirs, children, youth and orchestra gave the very best in heart moving renditions celebrating the spirit of Christmas. All District Rectors from the Luzon Region gathered for a meeting of sharing and planning with the District Apostle and Apostle Catan. In the divine service on Sunday the retired Shepherd Ernesto Silvano and his wife Esti received the blessing for their silver wedding anniversary. In his sermon the District Apostle elaborated on Luke 12:40. We firmly believe in the imminent return of Christ and want to be ready. Our love towards the Lord prompts us to dedicate time to our soul’s salvation, to show also the fruit of the Spirit in our conduct and lifestyle yet let the divine life develop itself in us. Where there is joy also grief is not far. Our hearts go out to our 300 Brothers and Sisters affected by the typhoon Bopha. A relief team has been sent out to assess their situation and to organise help.