Go Therefore and Make Disciples of All The Nations
Despite many hardships and difficulties, there are still many reasons for us to continue to testify God’s teaching to our neighbor in need. District Apostle Edy Isnugroho revealed this in divine service on Sunday, April 26, 2020.
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
This great commission of the Lord Jesus from Matthew 28: 19-20 was used as the basis of this service.
The Lord Jesus has given power to teach and preach. But not only to the Apostles, but you and I have also been sent to testify this message of salvation. The District Apostle quoted what the Chief Apostle said at the meeting of the ministry and wife in Malaysia few months ago about the encounter of Barthimaeus with the Lord Jesus. At that time the great multitude followed Jesus, and there was a blind man named Barthimeus cried “Lord, help!” and the people around him told him to be quiet. “But God came, asked what he needed, and healed him,” the District Apostle explained.
Go therefore
We also have the duty to go and meet the other ‘Barthimaeus’. They are blind souls and do not know Jesus. “Let us give testimony about Jesus only, and not about our greatness,” the District Apostle underlined this. We who are still living in the world, testify to the souls who are still alive. Those in the beyond also testify this message of salvation to the souls who have not been released.
We want to be the disciples of Jesus who immitate and became like Him, and not just as followers who were just looking for profit. Just as God saw Barthimeus as a soul in need of help, let us also bring these souls to Jesus because they are driven by genuine love for them.
But souls who need help must also be able to resist the whisperings of the spirits of the times who say that God cannot save them, or who say that the Apostles cannot help because the Apostles are also weak souls. “These souls must also grow in faith, they must believe in God.”
I am with you always
God promises to be with us until the end of the age, despite the current difficult situation. The District Apostle exemplifies the Apostles Peter and Paul as an example for us. They are faithful Apostles, even must be imprisoned for spreading the gospel courageusly. They remain to be source of blessing to others despite being in prison. “Let us not look for reasons that we are difficult to testify because of the situation and conditions that we experienced,” said District Apostle.
God wants to lead us into His kingdom. The difficulties and tribulations do not hinder God’s plan of salvation to bring us into His kingdom. God has sent us to serve. Let us testify this message of salvation with joy, and He will keep his promise to be with us until the end of time. “This is our certainty, and we want to take part in this work of salvation,” the District Apostle closed his sermon.