“I am the door”
On Sunday, 27th August 2023 morning, District Apostle Edy Isnugroho accompanied by Apostle Samuel Tansahtikno and Bishop Cao conducted divine service in Tagaytay. The congregation of Las Pinas was invited to join. This concluded his visit to Luzon area from Saturday, 19th August 2023. The Bible Text was out of John 10:9 : “I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.”
Jesus presents Himself as the door to salvation. No one can come to the Father except through Him (Jn 14:6). To attain eternal fellowship with God, we need to believe in Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God, in His sacrifice, resurrection, and return. We must also adhere to His teaching and follow His example. Like the disciples, let us imitate Jesus Christ.
They who believe in Christ come and go—they are free. Baptized in water and the Spirit, we are delivered from the dominion of evil. Christ opened the door of salvation for us and no one can close it (Rev 3:8). From now on, our salvation depends merely on our own decisions.
By passing through the door of Jesus Christ we find the pastures, the nourishment our souls need, for the soul aspiring to salvation: the preaching of the gospel and Holy Communion.
On our own, we will never achieve the perfection required to enter the kingdom of God. We can only get there by passing through the door of grace, which Jesus will open for us when He returns (1 Pet 1:13).
Finally, Jesus is also the gateway to salvation, because it is He, and He alone, who will decide who will be accepted when He returns to enter the wedding feast of the Lamb and thereafter to assist Him as Kings and Priests in the thousand years Kingdom of Peace.
Sometimes we find ourselves in situations that seem hopeless. The Spirit reminds us that Jesus Christ is always there to help us. In Jesus Christ, we always have a door of help. He came to bring us salvation. His goal is to lead us into His kingdom, where suffering and death are banished. Above all, He helps to give us the strength to remain faithful to Him. Let us seize it!
In difficult times, Jesus isolated Himself to pray. Let us not hesitate to open the door of prayer. God always answers a prayer expressed in faith.
At the time of His death, Jesus asked God, “Why have You forsaken Me?” When He received no answer, He chose the door of trust and surrendered Himself to God. In times of trial, our questions often go unanswered. Let us imitate Christ and surrender ourselves to God!
Jesus loved His neighbour. He was willing to die on the cross so that we could share in God’s glory. Even in His agony, He still cared for others. He prayed for His executioners and forgave those who betrayed Him. Our afflictions must not make us indifferent to others. Let us imitate Jesus’s example. Even in times of trial, let us choose the door of love for our neighbour!
Seminar, retirement, and ordination
On Saturday, 26th August 2023 in Tagaytay, a seminar for Rectors in Luzon and Ministers in Metro Manila was conducted by Apostle Samuel Tansahtikno assisted by Bishop Cao. Many topics were discussed among other things: Doctrine: Salvation and return of Christ; Why do we always emphasize that Jesus promises salvation not else? Why am I a New Apostolic? Ministry: Mandate and authority of Ministers; Reinstatement of inactive ministers; Why don’t we go to Theology school?; Our Role as ordained minister (Seminar 01). And with regard to our works: Baptism; Adoption and its acts of doing; Preparation for sacramental acts; Preparation for marriage; Divine Service Liturgy: Officiant; Assisting; Hymns in Divine Service and Dispense of Holy Communion. The District Apostle shared the Spiritual Portion at the end of the seminar.
During his visit to Luzon, he conducted eight divine services in Samal Bataan, Calapandayan, Lapaz, Moreno, Manambong Sur, Banca-banca, Trece-Cavite, and Tagaytay congregations. Six children and four adults were sealed. The two Evangelists: Ernesto Coquilla and Noel Tuason went into retirement. Two Priests and three Deacons were ordained