Pentecost 2015
The Chief Apostle will conduct the Pentecost Divine Service at the National Heroes Stadium in Lusaka in Lusaka/Zambia. 22 locations in the Philippines will be on the receiver list. Our Brothers and Sisters in the Philippines will join millions of new apostolic Christians worldwide in this Divine Service.
The head of the New Apostolic Church in Lusaka
Millions of believers worldwide celebrate Pentecost
Reception by IPTV in Philippines at the following churches:
• Makati Central Church, Makati City
• Batinguel Central Church, Dumaguete City
Reception by dream satellite at the following churches:
1. Asan Sur Central Church, Sison Pangasinan
2. Bacolod Central Church, Bacolod Negros Occidental*
3. Bucana Church, Davao City*
4. Butuan Central Church, Butuan City, Agusan del Norte
5. Campanggang Church, Maragusan Compostela Valley*
6. Carolina Central Church, Naga City, Bicol
7. Cebu Central Church, Cebu City
8. General Santos Central Church, General Santos, South Cotabato*
9. Hinobaan Central Church, Hinabaan, Negros Occidental
10. Jose Abad Santos Church, Jose Abad Santos Davao Occidental*
11. Malita Central Church, Malita, Davao Del Norte
12. San Jose Central Church, Tacloban Leyte
13. Rizal Church, Manay Davao Oriental*
14. Ozamis Central Church, Ozamis Misamis Occidental*
15. State College Church, Mati Davao Oriental*
16. Taguihon Central Church, Tagbilaran, Bohol
17. Tagum Central Church, Tagaum, Davao Del Norte
18. Tayasan Central Church, Tayasan Negros Oriental*
19. Teling Central Church, Teling, Negros Occidental
20. Tupi Central Church, Tupi, South Cotabato
Note: * means new sites
This year’s Pentecost service of the New Apostolic Church will be celebrated by Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider in Lusaka, the capital of Zambia. Already on Saturday before the service, all African Apostles as well as all District Apostles and District Apostle Helpers will meet for a conference with the Chief Apostle and attend a concert which will be given in their honour in our Olympia Park church.
On Pentecost Sunday about 70,000 visitors will gather in the National Heroes Stadium in Lusaka for the divine service. Chief Apostle Schneider will conduct the divine service in English. It will be interpreted into Nyanja at the altar. Additional interpreters will be available on site to simultaneously translate the sermon into German, French, Kiswahili, Portuguese, and Spanish.
A world united
A broadcast provider from Johannesburg has been engaged to film and record the event and transmit – including the language interpretations – via satellite to Germany to the Church-owned Bischoff Verlag in Frankfurt am Main.
There the received signal, including the interpretations, will be processed and an additional 18 languages added. The video signal with a total of 25 languages will be transmitted from Frankfurt to more than 100 countries on all five continents.
Two additional uplinks are stationed at Bischoff Verlag. One sends the video signal, original soundtrack, and interpretations to a satellite, which distributes the signal over Europe, North Africa, and parts of Asia. A second uplink will beam the signal – the original sound with the French, Kiswahili, Portuguese, and Spanish interpretations – via satellite to earth stations in Fuchsstadt and Jerusalem. From there the signal will be sent via satellite and glass-fibre cable to earth stations on the other continents. Then it will be distributed to the various congregations via satellite and radio. Owing to the time difference, the transmission will be recorded in America and broadcasted to the congregations later.
Internet streaming
Members in South East Asia and in some countries in Africa as well as others who are not able to reach a congregation in which the service is being broadcasted, and who are authorised by the responsible District Church and equipped with a special access code, can follow the service on the Internet. The streaming will be processed by Bischoff Verlag via a provider in Dresden. Thirteen streams in different languages, quality, and bandwidths are available.