Soul-care in Bulacan
Bulacan, the province north of Metro Manila, belongs to the area of pastoral responsibility of District Elder Erleindo Depaz, presently also Rector of Makati. Sunday, 18th January the District Apostle conducted a Divine Service at our Chapel in Francisco Homes. The neighboring congregation Amparo also attended. The sermon was based Romans 12:2. God is unchangeable. It is His will which is our reference and not the events around us.
The District Elder hosted a planning meeting for all Priests from Metro Manila, on Saturday. The theme of the spiritual reflection was focused on the words of Jesus Christ, when He admonished to be ready.
Luke 12:7, “Blessed are those servants whom the master, when he comes, will find watching…”
District Elder Depaz cares for the area of Mindoro, Batangas, Laguna, Cavite, Metro Manila, Bulacan, Pampanga. He earns his livelihood managing two Restaurants and Deli-Shops.