Thanksgiving 2015
This year’s feast of Thanksgiving was celebrated throughout NACSEAsia on Sunday 4th October. Already Saturday night pictures from all over came in. Preparations for Sunday in some congregations were major youth Projects.
In Makati Thanksgiving is a tradition which brings much joy and excitement. Everyone bring fruits or vegetables to decorate the altar. After the service all join in to eat them and the rest is distributed by a system of lottery to the needy.
This year’s Thanksgiving day sermon was based on Hebrew 13:15-16. Through Jesus Christ we bring our praise and thanks offering also by the fruit of our lips, professing His name. Do good and share, also Christ wanted to bring a sacrifice pleasing to God.
The District Apostle outlined that
Thanksgiving is not just about offerings but also reconciliation and forgiveness
as Jesus taught in Matthew 5:24.
Thanksgiving is also about intercession and supplication
as Ap. Paul referred to in Philippians 4:6.
Last but not least Thanksgiving is also about appreciating and saying thank you to each other, and thanked personally to all who contribute to make the congregation lively, all who remained faithful despite expectations were at times far away from reality. All who collaborated and supported the task of the church and its servants in the ministry. Every little service to each other counts and fulfills the basic law for all Christians: Love your neighbor