The Philippines at the Regional Apostles Meeting in Brisbane/Australia
The five Apostles active in the Philippines have joined their colleagues from Indonesia and Thailand and attended the Regional Apostles Meeting in Brisbane on 28th September 2013. All Apostles from Australia and Papua New Guinea were also present. It was their first encounter with the Chief Apostle Jean Luc Schneider.
Main topic of the convention was “Soul Care”. With the statement of Jesus Christ in Luke 17:7-8 the Chief Apostle re-inforced the apostolic pastoral commission. Caring for the flock, the sheep belong to Christ. Protecting from the possible lack of love towards Jesus. Love is and remains the bond of perfection. Healing by being close to them. Ploughing the field for the good seed but when the work is done care for family and ones own soul cannot be neglected.
On Sunday 29th all joined the congregation assembled at the Brisbane City Hall for the Divine Service transmitted to the working area of the host, DA Andrew Andersen. Transmission was also received at Makati and Dumaguete Churches in the Philippines among other locations in South East Asia. Most timely, the Chief Apostles sermon was based on Christ’s word, Matthew 18:19-20. “Agree with each other, Ask, Jesus comes into our midst”, a perfect picture of how today’s congregation must present itself to the Lord.