Youth Weekend Southern Luzon
300 young brethren from the south of Luzon (Area of Bh. Armando Cao) among them a delegation of 20 Youth from Makati, have come together at the beach of Daet in Camarines Norte. Already on Saturday they competed in sports and games and found refreshment by swimming in the ocean. The District Apostle moderated a discussion on natural and spiritual future and growth with success as well as how to build blessed relationships. The divine service was on the foundation of Psalm 119:47-48, Blessing is the consequence of fulfilling the law. In old testaments time it was the mosaic law which gave guidance to the people of God and today we want to fulfill the law of the gospel. The youth found delight in rehearsing the EYD song: “come to my Jesus” directed by our music director Sister Rosabelle Silvano from Makati.