Board of Education founded
To provide professional management of the various and challenging teaching programs a team of specialists have been appointed by the District Apostle. District Elder Depaz is the chairman of a board of teachers and educators who serve as volunteers to promote, organize and monitor the curriculum and faculty of NAC Philippines.
In his opening address the District Apostle stressed the need to have qualified training in the church for Sunday School Teachers, Seminar Leaders but also a body capable to bring doctrinal subjects in an understandable format to all interested members. Faith is important and the priority in Christian life yet must eventually also be nurtured by knowledge.
While prime focus is on our children also the Youth have special needs and to have lively congregations also in the next generations much more must be taught than just catechism and basic bible knowledge. Also the church community is facing more and more social problem which can only be overcome by education and here the church has a responsibility of spiritual formation.
To coordinate this challenging task in the whole nation the following were appointed. Ev. Robert Muda and Sr. Susan Silvano for Luzon, Dc. Jerome Silorio and Sr. Flora Mae Catan for the Visayas and DEv. Freddie Nuyad and Sr. Anna Lyn Nuyad for Mindanao. We wish this board much blessing and joy in their work.