50 years of Mission Work
Our “mother church”, NAC-Canada commemorates 50 years of foreign extension. (Canada District News April 2015) Until end of 2008 the Philippines and many other Asian countries what makes today NACSEAsia were part of this Canadian mission program.
Thankful we look back to the untiring efforts of our forefathers who started the church in Asia, at times under very difficult circumstances. Having started in Jamaica 50 years ago soon after the DA M. Kraus sent Brothers to Japan from where the missionary work rapidly spread to Korea, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia and many more.
We remember the many visits of Canadian Missionaries, who offered their time to come to the Philippines to teach and nurture our fledgling ministry. No one ever forgets the sacrifices of mother and father to whom every one owes his upbringing. We want forget the Canadian investment on which we still stand today.
Special greetings to our fellow brothers and sisters in Canada, whose offerings and sacrifices brought us up.
View Here: Canada District News April 2015