Negros Youth Day in Dumaguete. February 5th and 6th 2011
Over 700 young Brethren came to Amora Beach for the annual Negros Youth Day. Delegations from Bohol and Cebu joined the Negros Youth for 2 days of meetings, fellowship, sports, games and a Divine Service conducted by the District Apostle. The theme chosen by youth organisers themselves was “Let your little light shine”. The most powerful earthly light, the sun, was greeted at its rise early morning on Sunday. All gathered at the beach and the choir from Dumaguete led this morning devotional. “Jesus Christ is the light and our faith in Him makes us shine” the District Apostle elaborated in a discussion forum Saturday night. The Divine Service was based on Luke 8:16. A lamp lit, shall not be covered with a vessel or put under the bed was a message underlining the theme of the event. Faces radiating of joy were evidence that the lamp was lit and carried home by all.