A Long-Awaited Visit to Negros Oriental
For almost three years during the pandemic Covid-19 the District Apostle was unable to visit Negros Oriental, Philippines. It was only at the beginning of February this year that he, accompanied by Apostle Samuel Handojo Tansahtikno and the host, Apostle Sigfred Catan, was able to visit Negros Oriental region for eight days.
On Sunday, February 5 the District Apostle visited the Tayasan Poblacion. In this congregation he served God’s children who gathered from several congregations in the Tayasan District. The existing church building could not accommodate the brothers and sisters who attended, so most of the participants had to stand outside. The District Apostle was amazed and appreciated our brothers and sisters, especially those who had to stand outside, but attended the divine service in a quiet and solemnly manner.
On Wednesday, February 8 he visited Jimalalud district. After traveling by car across a mountain road for three and a half hours, he arrived in Jimalalud. In the multipurpose building of the local village gathered brothers and sisters who were waiting for his service. The divine service had to be postponed for a half an hour, in order to await the arrival of the brothers and sisters who were on their way there. After the service he had a fellowship with the ministers and the brethren. He asked them how they had come to that place and how long they had traveled. Some answered, on foot for an hour and a half. Some others answered by walking 2 hours, some even said by walking for 3 hours. Among them there are mothers carrying babies or small children. The District Apostle was amazed and was touched by those answers. He admitted that his visit to that place not only served the brothers and sisters, by sharing God’s word, grace and blessings, but he also learned from the brothers and sisters, who joyfully walked across the hills, through sometimes slippery paths. to attend services.
On Friday, February 10, 2023 the Philippines National Council Meeting was held. And on Saturday, February 11 the NACSEARelief Meeting.
On Sunday, February 12, 2023 he conducted the divine service at the central church in Dumaguete. It uses bible text from John 16:28:
“I came forth from the Father and have come into the world. Again, I leave the world and go to the Father.”
This verse summarizes Jesus Christ’s earthly existence:
• He came from the Father as the incarnate Son of God. At His baptism and transfiguration, God proclaimed Him to be His beloved Son.
• Sent into the world. God sent His Son into the world. As a true man, Jesus Christ was exposed to evil like all humans.
• Go to the Father. Jesus Christ’s goal was to rejoin the Father in His kingdom.
• Leave the world. The Lord did not commit any sin. He was able to leave this world because the ruler of this world had no power over Him.
• Being master of His destiny.Jesus Christ remained perfectly in control of His destiny. Nothing could stop Him from fulfilling His mission and reaching His goal.
The bible text can also be applied to our own.
• At our Holy Sealing, God announced to us, through the Apostle, that we were children of God.
• Sent into the world. We are not exempted from misfortunes. God sends us into this world to be a light and witnesses of Christ.
• Go to the Father. We are determined to get there.
• Leave the world. We are determined to renounce evil.
• Being master of His destiny. With Christ, we too can reach the goal we have set for ourselves.
We can count on Jesus’s intercession. He prays that our faith will not fail, and that we will be preserved from evilith. Our faith allows us to overcome all obstacles. With His help, we will reach our goal.