District Apostle Edy Isnugroho visited Negros Occidental and Panay Island, the working area of Apostle Joe-An Beli-Ot from Friday, February 28th until Sunday, March 8th, 2020. He started his visit by attending NACSEArelief annual meeting on Saturday, February 29th, 2020 in Kabankalan, in the presence of all Philippines Apostles. On Sunday 1st March he conducted divine service for the departed in our Tiling central church. Thereafter accompanied by Apostles: Samuel Handojo Tansahtikno, Alfredo Pascual and Leonilo Desoloc, he visited some congregations in Negros Occidental: Botong, Sangke, Tabu and Paglinawon.
On Thursday, 5th March in Tabu Apostle Joe-An Beli-ot, in agreement with Apostle Samuel Handojo Tansahtikno and the District Apostle, made a new structure in his working area. District Elder Ernesto Sabino, District Evangelist Arsenio Sarentas and Evangelist Vincente Olivero went into well deserved retirement. Meanwhile two new District Rectors: Evangelist Robert Gardose and Priest Armando Mahinay were appointed. In addition to this new structure one District Rector Assistant Priest Rolando Cereligia was assigned.
Previously the Apostle’s working area consists of 2 districts: Negros Occidental and Panay, and 32 sub-districts. Now it consists 5 districts: Calat-an, Tiling, Tabu, Mantukdo and Asia. A District Rector leads a district and is in charge of between 35 to 39 congregations. A District Rector is assisted by a few District Rector Assistants which takes care of around 9 to 11 congregations.
On Sunday morning, 8th March in Dugwakan congregation, Panay island he conducted a divine service based on Hebrews 13:12+13:
Therefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered outside the gate. Therefore let us go forth to Him, outside the camp, bearing his reproach.
Our personal victory consists in following Jesus’ example and accept to suffer because of Him and being able to remain faithful until the end. This means to do the will of God, whatever happens; to grow in the love of Jesus Christ; to get rid of the old creation and to become a new creation in Christ and to become like the image of Christ. To overcome evil, by doing good, not only to those who love us, but when it’s needed, to go out of our camp to help and do good to our neighbour. That’s the way Jesus wants to make us free. And for this Christ didn’t hesitate to go out of His camp to do good. He did not only good to His friends, but even to those who didn’t believe in Him. He prayed for those who wanted to kill Him. He died for all man. We do not want to answer evil with evil, violence with violence when somebody does evil or is violent. Jesus makes free – those who follow the footsteps of Him. Who are able to go out of their camp to do good. That is a great challenge for all of us. With His help, we are able to renounce what separate us from Him.