Apostle Desoloc in Lampung/Indonesia
District Apostle Edy Isnugroho invited Apostle Leonilo Desoloc (Philippines) to visit our brethren in Lampung on 15-17 March 2019. On the first day of his visit the District Apostle conducted a ministers and wives service from all districts of Lampung in Sumber Agung. Coinciding with that, it was Apostle Desoloc’s birthday, so he had the opportunity to celebrate together with the ministers and the wifes who also had birthdays at adjacent times.
The next day the District Apostle dedicated a new church in Sungai Nibung. The other highlight of this visit was the service in the Ambarawa congregation. District Apostles use passages from Isaiah 55: 10-11.
God remains faithful. His Word applies eternally and does not change. The promise of the return of the Lord Jesus will be fulfilled. Let us still rely on God in all situations and not forget our priority, namely to live according to the gospel of Christ.