Chief Apostle Is Coming To Town – Updated
Hand in hand, heart in hand. This is what the official logo of this year’s Chief Apostle visit to NACSEAsia suggests. It was designed based on the yearly moto and the Pentecost message 2014. All preparations for this special event of blessing and fiesta of faith come slowly to a close, even though last minute arrangements still will be necessary. We hope and pray that the expected typhoon “Hagupit”, Filipino name “Ruby” will not bring again much sorrow to our country. Thank you for your prayers.
Chief Apostle Is Coming To Town Promotional Video. Click to view now!
Schedule For Asia
12 December / 19:00 H / Hongkong / Regal Oriental Hotel
13 December / 17:00 H/ Philippines / Makati Central Church
14 December / 15:00 H / Philippines / Lagao Gym, General Santos City
16 December / 10:00 H / Philippines / Macias Complex, Dumaguete City