community 4/2022: There is always something new
The structure and features are always the same, but the content is always new and different. The latest edition of community is ready to be distributed in many languages and with news from around the New Apostolic world.
“Same gift, same chance” is the title of the new issue. This is a reference to the central message of Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider’s Pentecost service in Buenos Aires, which occupies an important place in the issue. In this divine service, Chief Apostle Schneider clarified: “There are poor and rich people. Some live very long, while the lifespan of others is very short. Some have plenty of gifts, skills, and potential; while others have much less.” And yet all believers who have been reborn with water and the Spirit have the same gift: the gift of the Holy Spirit. Thus all have the same chance to enter the kingdom of God as firstfruits.
God creates new things
In his editorial, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider urges the readers to accept new insights, even if this is not easy for some. “The only question we need to ask ourselves is: does this new thought bring me closer to Jesus Christ?” If it does, we can confidently walk this path, for then this knowledge serves for our benefit and brings us closer to God.
The features of the magazine are not new. Everything is as always: the long version of the divine service, three summarised service reports on a double-page spread, a section for the children, and the section on our doctrine. Featured in this issue is a summary of a 32-page essay entitled “The New Apostolic understanding of the spiritual ministry”, which some may already be familiar with. Nevertheless, there is much else to discover in the new issue—or does everyone know what Australian meat pies are?
In the “Global News” section, readers will find news from around the world, for example, how to build an engaging environment in the church for and with children. An article describes how children in Spain and South Africa planted flowers and vegetables. Another topic is aid: helping people suffering from the war in Ukraine, providing relief for people in South-East Asia after a typhoon, and opening a new well in Sierra Leone, where rainfall is becoming increasingly scarce. And there is an article about ecumenism. When the Church opens itself up, many beautiful things can emerge.
community: the global magazine
community has been produced by the New Apostolic Church International in English, French, and Spanish for eight years now. Other languages as well as the distribution in printed form are coordinated by the Regional Churches. While community can be read as a digital magazine on nac.today, it is also available in print so that the divine services of the Chief Apostle, information about aid organisations, reports on the life of the congregations worldwide, and the teaching of the Church also reaches those members who have no or only limited internet access.