What God does is often incomprehensible to us humans. We ask ourselves why He allows the one or other thing and does not prevent it. We do not agree with God at all.
We humans also tend to overestimate ourselves and believe that we can do things better than God. Was this not one of the main reasons for man’s fall into sin?
Peter made this experience too. Sometimes he did not agree at all with what His Master did or said. It was simply beyond his comprehension. Jesus was fully aware of this, which is why He showed understanding to His disciple and said to him: “What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know after this” (John 13: 7).
This is our comfort: God does not resent our lack of understanding. He is patient with us and does not allow this to stop Him from continuing to work on our salvation. As our Father He knows that many things are beyond our comprehension, and He will not push us away, even if we behave like a defiant child here and there. If we remain faithful to Him and hold on to His hand, we will experience that He gives us peace and joy.
Food for thought from a divine service by the Chief Apostle