Confirmation and Golden Wedding in South Cotabato
Young members in the age bracket of 15 and 16 years old make their confirmation vow in specially designated divine services after Easter and before Pentecost. This year, due to some conflicting schedule the first confirmation service took place on Palmsunday in our church in General Santos. “Building the temple” is the theme of this year’s confirmation. God elected us to become the temple of God.
Consider now, for the Lord has chosen you to build a house for the sanctuary; be strong and do it!
(1st Chronicles 28:10)
Temple in religious understanding is a place where God dwells, where believers have fellowship. Yet,
…you are the temple of God and the spirit of God dwells in you..” the Apostle Paul reminded the Corinthians.
We shall build this temple in us, that Jesus can dwell in it. The temple is holy, dedicated and the place where God reveals His glory. A great expectation and task for every Christian.
A word most fitting also for PALMSUNDAY. We shall be a house of prayer for all nations. Thus permit Jesus to cleanse our inner temple. Our prayers shall originate in a temple of humbleness, trust, faith and persistence. God will dwell in it and we are open to receive our neighbour with love and forgiveness.
In a morning service in General Santos 5 young Sisters received the blessing on their confirmation vow. In our Tupi Church the District Evangelist ret. Jungcan and his wife received the blessing on their golden wedding anniversary.