District Apostle Helper introduced in the Central Visayas
Together with Ap. Cleofas Bual and Bishops Quako and Puso the DAH Edy Isnugroho toured the area of Cebu and Bohol from 12th to 18th February in between of District Apostle visit to the region. He conducted Divine Services in Tayad Tayad, Lantawan, Rufo Hill, Carmen Central, Lataban, Tabalong and Taguihon Central Congregations. A typhoon delayed the program . But by God’s grace all divine services could be carried out as planned.
The District Service at our Tagbilaran Central Church on Sunday, 18th February conducted by District Apostle Hebeisen in the presence of District Elder Heinz Briner from Switzerland, as one of the pioneers of God’s work in these areas.
1978 young Priest Urs Hebeisen was sent to Bohol Island to see to it that the fire of the gospel and Holy Spirit is kindled. The bible word of Luke 12:39+40 was fitting for the District Service at our Central Church. As children of God we want to accept to suffer for Christ in order to keep the fire of the gospel and the Holy Spirit burning in our souls and to deliver it to our neighbours.