Divine Service for the Departed at Tiling Church/Negros Occidental
Ap. Domingo Diagbel hosted the second Divine Service for the Departed in 2014 on Sunday, 6th July. Ap. Samuel Hadiwidagdo from Indonesia and Ap. Catan joined the District Apostle who officiated. A ministers and wives meeting at Binalbagan church preceded the festivity. Friday night the District Apostle served in preparation in Bacolod.
The doctrine of the beyond is one of the riches of the new apostolic faith. Many Christians consider the Sacraments to be conditional on the existence of the physical body and believe the spirit and soul once separated from the body can do nothing but wait for the resurrection of the dead. New apostolic understanding is that human beings continue to live after their physical death, not only soul and spirit do not die, but ones personality endures.
In their freedom of choice also departed souls can accept or refuse the offer of grace rendered to them. God alone knows the souls having the faith required for receiving the acts of grace. Sacraments, Holy Baptism, Holy Sealing, Holy Communion are thus offered to souls in the afterlife as well.
While we intercede for them as a testimony of love, our prayers cannot save anyone, only Jesus can save. Yet prayers are like invitations addressed to them. They are free to accept or to refuse.