Family and Youth Day in Bicol
This was the last area where the District Apostle Helper Edy Isnugroho was not yet introduced. Bh. Cao made comprehensive preparations. A senior program, children gathering, youth meetings, ministers forum and a Divine service was organized. Despite the continued and at times heavy rain each event was filled with joy. The song “We shall keep our faith alive” was not only an expression of commitment for the future in communal singing but the theme throughout the program.
The District Apostle served with Isaiah 59:1
“God’s love is omnipotent, nothing prevents Him from saving the faithful. Let us pray as Jesus prayed, according to the Father’s will. Such prayers are heard and answered.
DAH Edy Isnugroho and Bh. Samuel Tansahtikno continued, visiting various congregations in Quezon and Albay.