Family Day in Pangasinan, DEl. Anastacio Marcena retired
2 days of festivities at our Asan Sur Church. FAMILY DAY and it incorporated everything. Seminar Meeting for the Brothers in the ministry by the District Apostle, Workshop for basic music teaching for children, Workshop for Sunday School Teachers an evening of presentations of talents and of course a District Service for the whole working area of District Elder Marcena.
It was also the last visit for the District Apostle and he introduced Apostle Edy Isnugroho as his successor as well as Bh Samuel Tansahtikno to be the future National District Rector.
In a festive divine service DEl. Marcena went into well deserved retirement. He was one of the first in the Pangasinan area. Sealed and ordained as Priest in March 1987 he served with his wife untiringly for over 30 years and shaped the whole Northern District significantly. Who is the successor? The District Apostle explained that our pending concept of ministry will now further be developed and for the time being we want an open room for this. Bh Samuel will together with the Rectors of the various Sub-District plan the future.
The Divine Service was based on Colossians 4:5-6.
Steadfast in following Christ; with wisdom and love, Christ’s presence in our midst is evident.