Family Day North Luzon, 12 to 13th September 2015

On Tuesday, 15th of September 2015

Youth Day, Ministers Convention, Children Day, Retreat, there are always some special programs on the church calendar when the District Apostle visits. This year’s visit in Luzon North was again in Pangasinan. A Brother meeting on Saturday based on John 14:12. The church needs succession planning, every congregation, every district. What does the Lord Jesus say about His succession? “…the works that I do he will do also, and greater works than these he will do…”

“Family Day” was the weekend called and promoted with the theme of Pentecost 2015. The Sunday Sermon elaborated on Malachi 3:18, with the message “Let us search for what is right and recognize what is wicked. Serving Christ today is preparing to serve Him in eternity. Driven by true faith we seek His grace.

Another JOYinCHRIST event. Apostle Catan and Bishop Cao continued with a soul care program bringing them also to Abra where many were victimized by the recent floods.