Festivities in Manila with historical dimensions
Chief Apostle Jean Luc Schneider visited Manila from 16th to 20th November 2018. His program had a wide dimension. 40 Apostles gathered for their regional meeting. Then there were the delegates from whole Asia and Western Pacific, From Pakistan to Japan to Australia; a total of 20 countries were represented. After musical and choir renditions at the Makati Church on Saturday the Chief Apostle conducted a divine service at the Palacio de Maynila based on a quotation from James 1:12
“Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him”
District Apostle Urs Hebeisen entered into retirement after 43 years of ministerial services of which 36 as Apostle and 10 years as District Apostle. His assistant, DAH Edy Isnugroho has been appointed as District Apostle for South East Asia.
In his capacity as District Rector Philippines, the DA Hebeisen is succceeded by Samuel Tansahtikno who was ordained into the Apostles Ministry. The DEv Ray, Prem Mohan has been ordained into the Apostles ministry for the Church in India.
Finally, on Monday the Regional Apostles meeting took place. Topics of deliberation on the agenda were: The return of Christ and the understanding of our new concept of ministry.
Indeed another new chapter in the same book of the history of the kingdom of heaven.