God is with the faithful in times of trial

On Tuesday, 25th of February 2025

Accompanied by Apostle Samuel Tansahtikno and Bishop Armando Cao, District Apostle Edy made a visit to Luzon, Philippines in the whole third week of February 2025. From Saturday, February 15 until Wednesday, February 19, he served some congregations of Cobangbang – Daet, Goa, Carolina – Naga, Vergana Lopez Mountain and Lucena.

And from Thursday, February 20 until Sunday, February 23 he was in Makati, Metro Manila. Here he attended Meetings of Sound Engineer and Administration. Then he chaired the Apostles and Country Rectors Meeting. On Sunday, February 23, 2025, he conducted a district service at our Makati church with a Bible Text out of Daniel 3:28:

“Nebuchadnezzar spoke, saying, ‘Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who sent His Angel and delivered His servants who trusted in Him, and they have frustrated the king’s word, and yielded their bodies, that they should not serve nor worship any god except their own God!’”

Like Daniel’s three companions who were living in exile in Babylon, we as the children of God, live in this world under the domination of evil, but we do not belong to this world. We do not want to follow the way of this world, but we want to live according to the law of God. We respect the law and the commandments of God. We were taught, if we do so, God will bless us. If we go to church, serve the Lord, and give our offering, God will bless us. And we have experienced this. It is wonderful! But then one day, everything changes and suddenly we have to go through difficult times, through hardship, and tribulations. Then we say, “What’s happening? I am faithful and respect God’s law. Why does this thing happen?’ Why does God permit this? We have no explanation. Now we are in the furnace. It’s extremely hot, a terrible situation. That’s a temptation.

Perhaps God wants to test our relationship with Him. He wants to see how important it is for us to have fellowship with Him. The evil one comes and temps us: “See, it’s useless to remain faithful to God. You are suffering! Abandon God!” Because we have experienced the love of God, and we are aware of the future He has prepared for us, we say, ‘My God is able to help me. If it’s His will, He can change everything. But even if He doesn’t help me, even if nothing changes, I love my God and I will remain faithful. I have decided to follow Jesus Christ until my death.” That’s one aspect.

Second aspect. The evil one comes with some promises as he did with Jesus Christ in the desert. He tells us: “Look, your life isn’t that easy. If you do not respect God’s commandments, I can give you much more.” What is our answer? We say: “I want to maintain my relationship with Jesus Christ, although I get only less. I love Him”.

Third aspect. Sometimes, the devil comes and he threatens us. “If you remain faithful to God, finally you will stay alone. You will be rejected by the society and you are isolated. Why should you do good to others? You will never be repaid. Why do you want to share in the suffering of others? You suffer enough for yourself. Stop doing good to others.” What is our answer? “We do good because we love Jesus and we want to do good to Him. And we have been taught to do good to Jesus is to do good to our neighbour.”

Now comes the great news. Just as the three young men experienced it, God was with them in the furnace, because they had decided to remain faithful. God abides with us in the furnace of tribulations. Yes. It’s dangerous and difficult, and we are suffering. But God is with us and we can experience His presence at your side. We can experience this in the divine services. God is talking to me personally. He tells me: ”I love you, I understand you. He comforts us and strengthens us. He listens to our prayers and answers them. And He is truly presence in the celebration of Holy Communion.

The Lord will end our affliction at the time He chooses. He knows how to turn evil into good—He uses our trials to strengthen our faith and increase our knowledge. Having experienced His nearness, we feel neither bitterness nor resentment. With His help, we are even able to forgive those who have wronged us. And once we are with Him in His kingdom, we will no longer even think about the trials we have endured. Our unwavering faithfulness to Christ allows us to be a blessing to others, to those who are still living on earth, and to those who are already in the hereafter. We become testimony, through our behaviour, that it is possible to do God’s will here and now. Let us pray to God to grant mercy to them. And in the thousand years of peace, we will be able to contribute to the salvation of humankind as kings and priests of Christ.

After the divine service a choral singing with very spiritual music was rendered by the children, the youth and mixed choir. District Apostle admired and greatly rejoiced at the progress that the choir had been made, to the glory of God.