Great joy at Makati Church
The Clauss family from Lausanne Switzerland brought their Baby girl, Alexis Victoria for Holy Baptism and Holy Sealing to the Makati Congregation. Also 4 confirmands made their resolution and received the blessing on their confirmation vow. 257 witnessed this blessed event.
The sermon was based on the Apostle Paul’s testimony:
“When I was a child, I spoke…, understood… and thought as a child….”
(1. Corinthians 13:11).
The District Apostle elaborated that life is always subject to birth and followed by growth. Our spiritual life starts with the rebirth out of water and spirit but then it is our endeavor to grow into the maturity of Christ. Like children we shall learn how to speak; speak to our God in prayer, learn to listen to God’s word. Children learn to have their place in the family, we must occupy ours in the congregation. Children behave at times because of fear of punishment or hope for a reward. Not so in our spiritual childhood of God. We want to be motivated to obedience only out of love to God and conviction of faith, to Jesus and to our neighbor. Children must learn how to eat properly, likewise worthy partaking in Holy Communion is essential in growing up. Apostle Paul also stated that having grown up we are not anymore tossed back and forth by every wind of doctrine (Ephesians 4:14) Fitting words indeed, little Baby on the one hand, Confirmands on the other.
Saturday, all Apostles and Bishops from the Philippines gathered for discussion and deliberation. Subjects of the Catechism were again in central focus but also social problems were of interest. The confirmands met them in the evening for a fellowship.