I am with you always
District Apostle Edy Isnugroho, accompanied by Apostle Samuel Tansahtikno, from Friday, 21st until Sunday, 30th April visited the working area of Apostle Leonilo Desoloc, to the district Cagayan de Oro, Palawan island, and Caraga region. In Palawan, he visited the Calawag congregation, the central church, Indahag, and Inobulan congregations in Cagayan de Oro. And in Caraga, he visited: Langcuason and Butuan Central.
During his visit, he conducted: two divine services for ministers and wives, two divine services for the youth, and three divine services for members. He carried out: Appointment of 3 District Rectors.
In Butuan, for three successive days, from Friday, April
28 until Sunday, April 30, approximately 200 youth from all over Caraga gathered and carried out Youth Day. The District Apostle and the Apostles were happy to see the youth actively and enthusiastically taking part in the events. He was particularly touched to learn that some youth from the congregation in the remote Surigao archipelago had come at their own expense.
Several youths who shared their impressions said that they were very happy and were so thankful because, after the pandemic time, this was the first time they could take part in Youth Day, which they thought was more interesting and meaningful than the previous one. Not just having fun, but obtaining many useful things, including knowledge and experience of faith, and experiencing the strengthening fellowship.
The last divine service he conducted was in Butuan Central on Sunday, April 30th 2023 morning. The Bible Text was out of Matius 28:20b: “And lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
It is the great message brought by God to mankind through Jesus Christ. When the birth of Jesus Christ was announced, Joseph was told that His name would be Emmanuel, “God is with us”. Although the elected people were not so faithful, quite often they have been disobedient, but God sent His Son, Jesus, the Saviour. God loves the people. Through His lifetime on earth, Jesus showed that God was with His people. Through His behavior and His life, He proved that he was on the side of the poor, the little, and the sick ones. Even though He accepted to suffer, was condemned and crucified as if the worst criminal. That is showing solidarity with the worst men on earth.
When the time came for Jesus to return to His Father, He told the disciples: “I am with you until the end of the world.” What does it mean? Even though Jesus is in heaven with the Father, He is still active on earth and He is still with humankind. The promise of Jesus Christ is still valid. He is with mankind. But He explained the purpose of His presence on earth. He gave the mission to the Apostles, “Fulfill the work I have begun. Keep working on the work of salvation.”
“I am with you.” That means that Jesus Christ is always listening to us. He will talk to us. He will help us and He will guide us. He will lead us into His kingdom and He will grant us His grace.” “Until the end of the age or of the world” means, until sin has been overcome until we can enter the kingdom of God, be delivered from evil and sin, and live in harmony and in perfect fellowship with God and with one another.
But in order to benefit from this presence of Jesus Christ, to experience His nearness, we have to believe, we have to have faith. That’s the condition. Without faith, we cannot experience His presence. What is the expression of our faith? We are:
- obedient
- patient
- content with what we have
- following the teachings of the Apostles
- in the fellowship of God’s children
Jesus is with us. The more faithful we are, the more we serve God and are active in the work of salvation plan, and the more we will experience His presence, His help, and His grace.