Island Youth Day and Sunday Service at Butuan Central
The District Apostle and his successor to be DAH Edy Isnugroho visited the Brethren in the Caraga Region, the area of Apostle Leonilo Desoloc.
While the DA visited our German members in Cebu Ap Edy was already taken by Ap. Desoloc to various congregations. Both met then in Surigao and conducted together a Divine Service on Quiatongan Island. 150 youth gathered here for a 2 days retreat. Some 30 years ago the gospel of the Apostles was spread on the many islands off-shore Surigao.
The message of the sermon was elaborating on Luke 11: 9 and 13. Let us trust in the Lord and ask him but keep in mind what the interests of God are and ask Him about salvation and accomplishment of His will. Do not plan a future without including the will of the Heavenly Father. Here too applies the advice of Christ: “….seek you first…..” was the advice to the Young People.
Full House in Butuan Central on Sunday. Preparation for the Divine Service for the departed coming Sunday. “JOY IN HEAVEN” (Luke 15:6+7) Much gets lost but by God’s Grace it can be found again. Parable of the lost sheep, the lost coin and the prodigal son have one thing in common. An effort was made, perseverance and repentance and God adds Grace. In the context of Grace let us not only think of those lost and far away, but also ourselves. All need Grace no matter what a good life they lead.