Joyful Fellowship With the Tibolis
3000 newapostolics are Tibolis. Over thirty years ago three leader of the Tiboli tribe were in Manila and found the NAC. They became the founders of our church among the Tiboli people. April 23 and 24 was a great day for them. They were to host the South Cotabato Youth Day.
600 Youth from the area of Ap. Pascual assembled in the beautiful scenery of Lake Sebu the domain of this tribe, in southern Mindanao. The District Apostle, together with Apostles Desoloc from Agusan and Ap. Edy Isnugroho from Indonesia and the organizing Ap. Alfredo Pascual were part of the two days activity. After an enthusiastic welcoming on Saturday morning the program started. Dialogue with the District Apostle, Question and Answers and a day of sport activities. In the evening all enjoyed very astonishing, awesome presentations. Music, dancing and theatre even a shadow drama titled “amazing grace” was on the program.
The Sunday Divine Service attended by some 900 souls, was themed “we want to be an epistle of Christ” and based on 2. Corinthians 3:3.
Let us be a testimony of the apostolate of Christ. Not just keep commandments but becoming like Christ
the District Apostle elaborated.
Enjoy the pictures