New Apostolic Church celebrates pentecost 2012 in Cologne, Germany
New Apostolic Church celebrates pentecost 2012 in Cologne, Germany; 1600 Congregations worldwide are connected via Satelite. This is the headline of a press release published in Europe. In South East Asia an inter-network was established and at 7 locations the Divine Service from Cologne will be experienced live.
Thereby an estimated congregation of 1,5 Million faithful in more than 100 countries will be gathered for the traditional Pentecost service on Sunday. As previously communicated also to the commissioning of District Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider as Chief Apostle Helper is planned.
On Pentecost Sunday, new apostolic Christians remember the historical event of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit as recorded in the New Testament book of Acts. Since some 25 years it is tradition that the head of the Apostolate, the Chief Apostle conducts a festive Divine Service which with increasing technological possibility over the years was transmitted more and more world wide. This year the lovely city at the Rhine, is the host for the first time.
While the District Apostle is in Cologne, all Apostles from South East Asia are together in our Makati Church in Manila/Philippines. Happy and blessed Pentecost to all. May the fullness of the Spirit be experienced in every soul, just as it was at the beginning
When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all WITH ONE ACCORD IN ONE PLACE
(Acts 2:1)