The traditional NEW YEAR’s Divine Services are conducted from 1st to 7th January in NACSEAsia. In some countries 1st January is a working day, in Indonesia it’s a declared holiday for all Christians, needless to say our New Year’s service is held on 1st January. In the Philippines services are conducted according to local feasibility however most like the traditional 1st January celebration. Start the New Year in God’s house, the church, is for many faithful ones more than just a tradition.
Makati congregation in Metro Manila was among the first. The church goers were greeted with a badge proclaiming the 2018 resolution. ‘FAITHFUL TO CHRIST‘
“Also this new year we want to go through under God’s Grace” the District Apostle stated in his sermon. “The Holy Spirit reminds us: God is faithful and thus we want to be faithful as well and we best do that by following Christ’s example, by being constant in love under all circumstances, by serving faithfully and keeping our promises” The New Year’s service this year is based on Psalm 101:6
My eyes shall be on the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me; he who walks in a perfect way, he shall serve me.
“We are faithful to so many things. Our goals, ambitions, our commitments yet seeking first the kingdom of God as Christ requested prompts us to be FIRST faithful to Christ” the District Apostle further elaborated.
After the service all enjoyed the video message from our Chief Apostle.