Obituary Bishop Chrisanto Azarias
Philippines. On Monday, 27 July 2020 our friend and Bishop in retirement Chrisanto Azarias passed into the beyond After having health issues for quite some time. He was 75 years of age. He left four daughters.
A true and faithful servant
Chrisanto Azarias was born on October 25, 1944 in Banca Banca, some 50 kilometers southern Manila. He were grew up under humble conditions as his father was a poor farmer. He was not baptized until he was married. However his wife, a devout member of the Jehovah’s Witness Church endeavored to establish Christian standards in the family. Then everything has changed when his brother who just became a Priest in the New Apostolic Church introduced him to God’s work. “That is when life really started” he often says.
At the age of 40 he took on his first ministry as a Priest in the Church. A little later he served as an Evangelist, District Evangelist, District Elder, and Bishop. He was ordained as Bishop on August 16th, 1992 and works zealously to support Apostle Lameyra in Luzon area until his retirement on July 2010.
In great humbleness he looked up to his blessing bearers, and followed in oneness until his end.