
Circular of District Apostle 27 April 2020

On Tuesday, 28th of April 2020

The Church Leader hereby announce the following matters: 1. Divine services are held normally, that is, with the attendance of Brothers and Sisters in the church, as well as by streaming. Divine services in congregations can be held normally if the local conditions allow and it depends on the direction and policy of the local national government. If divine services in a…  Read More.

Go Therefore and Make Disciples of All The Nations

On Sunday, 26th of April 2020

Despite many hardships and difficulties, there are still many reasons for us to continue to testify God’s teaching to our neighbor in need. District Apostle Edy Isnugroho revealed this in divine service on Sunday, April 26, 2020. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the…  Read More.

God is not deaf!

On Tuesday, 21st of April 2020

God hears our prayers and sometimes He also answers them—as long as they reflect His will. God always has an ear for those who believe and there is no situation where God could not help. However, God’s help does not consist of His putting an end to our suffering. God’s thoughts are higher than our thoughts: He wants to deliver…  Read More.

“Do You Believe This?”

On Sunday, 19th of April 2020

Do you believe this?” This question was raised again by the Spirit to all of us at the divine service via streaming Sunday, April 19, 2020, led by Apostle Samuel H. Tansahtikno. This sentence comes from the conversation of the Lord Jesus to Martha before the raising of Lazarus. The Lord make it clear to Martha, that the resurrection to…  Read More.

Thomas, Our Example

On Wednesday, 15th of April 2020

As the material of midweek devotional for this week we are invited to see Thomas who stands as an example for all people who have not seen the Risen One: doubt seems justified, since the resurrection contradicts any human experience and could therefore be said to be impossible. Starting from doubt, Thomas expresses a central confession of the Christian faith,…  Read More.

Suggestions for a Midweek Devotional

On Tuesday, 14th of April 2020

The Church would like to offer spiritual support and encouragement during the time in which there are limited possibilities for divine services and also while the dispensation of the sacraments is not possible. This can be done in the form of a devotional, whether that be alone, with the family, or during pastoral care by telephone or telephone/video conferences. Excerpt…  Read More.