Philippine Delegation at CA Visit in Korea
Our Apostles from the Philippines joined the other Asian and Australian Apostles to meet with the Chief Apostle in Korea from 26th to 30th May 2016.
The Chief Apostle said good-by at Incheon Airport, 30TH May 2016, with his own words “c’etait genial” (google translate says this means ‘it was awesome’) and flew back to Europe. For sure the 500 souls he served during the annual visit to NACSEAsia carried just this joy in their heart: “it was awesome!”
Indeed, the 10 days the Chief Apostle was in the Far East were an awesome experience, not just for us who travelled with him and enjoyed the conversations en route, but the many who met him, the youth who was eager to get a photo or even a selfie. The not so active members who came to hear him. So much could be said.
The highlight was in Korea. A visit at the only demilitarized zone in the world. Together with the Apostles the Chief Apostle rang the peace bell. His prayer was for the people in time and eternity of both countries, their well being and especially salvation.
At Ilsan Church Brothers and Sisters welcomed him. A tour of the Church facility a short review of its history and of course, fellowship with a delicious snack prepared by the Sisters, before taking off to Daejon where the main program was waiting for him. The Apostles from Asia and Australia gathered on a deliberation about “understanding ministry” and then he faced an open forum to answer questions. The choir and youth orchestra
together with other performers, Korean drums and the senior harmonica quartet as well as solo by our very gifted Sister from Malawi accelerated the heart beat of every one once more.
The Divine Service on Sunday was again reaching the heart in the innermost depth.
the Lord looks into your heart and tests your mind (Jeremiah 17:10)
The Lord is watching and He knows how we mean it. Let us never try to hide from Him.
Chief Apostle visits are always special. For many Brothers and Sisters a rare opportunity. Much preparation come ahead, an awesome experience once he is in our midst and then a joyful memory for many weeks to come not to
mention years after. Yet one thing is always the most important. The strengthening of faith, the motivation to carry on, not to give up and the resolution on the desire to do better.