Philippine Flag In Congo
To accompany the Chief Apostle in his travel is always a special treat for an Apostle. To experience and share with him the fellowship with our brethren in the Congo is unique. As reported on www.nak.org “Divine services in the Congo are always very big. It is the country with the biggest newapostolic membership on earth.
DA Nadolny from Germany and our DA Hebeisen had such a privilege from 19th to 23rd June 2014. The German flag and the Philippine flag were raised as a special welcome, besides the church emblem for the Chief Apostle.
Hosted by the DA TShitschi Thisekedi the program of the Chief Apostle was titled “love in action” and included an Apostles meeting on the theme “Mission of ministry and church” and two Divine Services in Mbuji-Mayi and in Mwene Ditu an area where the late DA Robert Higelin and retired DAH Henry Higelin (NAC France) pioneered the work during many years. In both places a huge and enthusiastic crowd of Brothers and Sisters bid a joyful welcome. The sermons were based on 1st Samuel 16:7 “Man looks at the outside appearance but God looks at the heart” and Romans 8:31 “no one can be against you if you are near the Lord”
Many hundreds of thousands of souls were reached by means of transmission via public radio. Congo is a country with very big Christian population devoted strongly to faith.
DA Hebeisen finished his stay by joining the DA Deppner in a local Divine Service in Kinshasa. Both District Apostles originate in the Mission work of the NAC Canada. DA Mike Deppner followed his father, Ap. ret. Eddy Deppner, who was the pioneering missionary in Congo together with the Brothers from France.