Save the date: Information evening on 20 September 2022
Zurich. On Tuesday, 20 September 2022 Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider plans to address all New Apostolic congregations around the world in a digital information evening. His message will provide information on the deliberations surrounding the subject of “Women in ordained ministry”.
For several years already, the Chief Apostle, the District Apostles, and the Apostles have debated this issue, most recently at the District Apostle Meeting before Pentecost in Buenos Aires. The Chief Apostle himself wishes to provide information about this subject, along with the theological content of these deliberations, in a video address. It will thus be a continuation of the information evening that was streamed from the Dessau congregation on 19 April 2019, which likewise dealt with the understanding of ministry in the New Apostolic Church.
The video will premiere on 20 September 2022 at 19:30 (UTC+2). The receiving congregations will be determined by the respective Regional Churches. Due to the time differences, an alternate transmission date will also be announced by the responsible Regional Church.
The video address will be made available online later that evening.