Sorsogon and Albay, small but steady
The responsible Apostle Catan welcomed the District Apostle and Apostle Edy Isnugroho from Indonesia to Sorsogon and Albay from 19thto 21st June 2015.
In our Sorsogon congregation the people still suffer from Typhoon Glenda. However soon they will be able to move into new homes built by the City and funded by the VP Binay. Already in 2003 however our chapel was lost due to demolition. The little congregation never grew but remained faithful despite many adversities.
With the words of Apostle Paul:
“We are bound to thank God always for you….” ( 2. Thess 1:3)
The District Apostle thanked the congregation for their faith and love, shown in their loyalty in all these years. A family and youth day was organized in our congregation Basagon near Tabaco City by Bishop Cao. Singing and a lively question and answer session on Saturday night were followed by the divine service on Sunday with the theme:
“Chosen to know, to see, to hear, to witness” (Acts 22:14-15)
God wants us to become like His Son. It was truly a program offering much of JOYinCHRIST