South Cotabato
The annual visit of the District Apostle coincided with the 64th Birthday of Apostle Marcurio Nuyad. The youth prepared many presentations showing their skills in performing art and singing. All ministers and wives in Lake Sebu (the area of the Tibolis) gathered in the Lamlahak church on Saturday. In a evening Youth Forum the District Apostle answered many questions from the young Brethren concerning faith and doctrine. The Youth service in our Tupi church Sunday morning was based on the word from 2. Thessalonians 3:5 and elaborated on the question who directs our heart, where to? Where do I want to go? Our thinking is directing our heart and this might bring us all over and in many directions. Yet we shall permit that the Lord leads us and that will always be towards the Love of God and the steadfastness in following Jesus.